Продукти за кова бутик (33)

Жасмин ориз 1000г

Жасмин ориз 1000г

Jasmine rice is a species of long -grained rice, which is bred primarily in Thailand and used in Asian cuisine. In addition to Thailand, which is its main supplier, jasmine rice is currently grown in Cambodia, southern Vietnam and Laos. One of its characteristic features is a slightly noticeable, sweet fragrance reminiscent of jasmine - this is where its name came from. It also has a specific, very slightly sweet taste, sometimes referred to as honey. Jasmine has a lot of nutritional values. First of all, it is a great source of carbohydrates and protein, and at the same time has little fat, so it is often chosen by people practicing sport or slimming. It can also be consumed by those who have digestive problems - jasmine rice is easily digestible and does not burden the stomach, although it leaves a feeling of satiety. Rice is a gluten -free product. It is also an excellent source of B vitamins, vitamin E and potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron and phosphorus.
Султанови стафиди 1000г vivio

Султанови стафиди 1000г vivio

Raisins have been known and used in the world's cuisine for centuries. Dried grapes are not only tasty, but also healthy. Sultan raisins from other species of raisins are distinguished by its exceptional sweet taste, which is deprived of the other dotly group, characteristic of other varieties of this group, sour. With the help of sunlight, in ripening grapes, their natural sugar, fructose precipitates, thanks to which raisins delight us with sweetness and unique taste. Drives contain large amounts of potassium and phosphorus, which have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. They are a rich source of valuable vitamins: A, C, E, B vitamins as well as micro- and macroelements: potassium, zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium. Drivers contain valuable dietary fiber, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system. They contained in them: iron, copper and vitamins necessary for the production of red blood cells and oxygen transfer in the body.
Брашно от нахут 1000г

Брашно от нахут 1000г

Kichererbsen sind Kichererbsen oder Haarerbsen, es stammt aus einer Gruppe von Hülsenfrüchten. Kichererbsen sind eine hervorragende Proteinquelle und notwendige Aminosäuren, daher kann sie Fleisch ersetzen. Es ist eine Quelle komplexer Kohlenhydrate, Faser. Kichererbsen verleihen dem Körper verschiedene Vitamine und Mineralien, einschließlich signifikanter Mengen an Phosphor, Vitamin B9, Eisen, Zink, Magnesium und Kalium. Es enthält auch ungesättigte Fettsäuren. Der Cutter hat kalorienarm und einen niedrigen glykämischen Index, und die Faser, die er enthält, hilft, den Grad der Triglyceride und "schlechtes" Cholesterinspiegel zu verringern. Die Kichererbsen wird von Veganern und Allergie -Leiden besonders geschätzt. Kichererbsenmehlformen aus den Hülsenfrüchten und somit ist dieses Mehl durch einen einzigartigen Proteingehalt gekennzeichnet, während der Geschmack dem Geschmack von Umami ähnelt. Der glykämische Index dieses Mehls beträgt fast halb so viel wie Weizenmopfen und nur 35.